
next show  -   Wex ( Concert Annulé )


Fly, I wanna fly
It’s been a long long time
I’m waiting for you at night
Fly, I wanna fly
It’s been a long long time
I’m burning for you at night
High, I wanna get high
You know babe
We’re gonna make it higher tonight

Though I know you’ll go your own way
Tomorrow is another day
Forget it babe gimme a good time

Fly, I wanna fly
It’s been a long long time
I’ve waited for this magical night
Now you want it now
And I wanna see you cry
Wanna feel you flying tonight

Though I know you’ll go your own way
Tomorrow is another day
Forget it babe gimme a good time

Fight, don’t wanna fight
I only want you to be my lover,
My love tonight
Fly, I know we’ll fly
It’s been a long long time
I’ve waited for you at night
Though I know you’ll go your own way
Tomorrow is another day
Forget it babe gimme a good time


1. Fly
(R. De Greef - M. Guccio - M. Ysaye - T. Plas)  

Heaven's Rules

You’re naked on the floor
Your eyes are empty
I never saw you like that before
But I know how you feel

Losing yourself
Right till the end
To breathe & live

Breakin’ all heaven’s rules, you do it
Oooo some angels do it
To feel the thrills you got to do it
Breakin’ all heaven’s rules , you do it

I lost myself
In a cold wind
To breathe & live

Breakin’ all heaven’s rules, you do it
Oooo some angels do it
To feel the thrills you got to do it
Breakin’ all heaven’s rules, you do it
Breakin’ all heaven’s rules, you do it
Oooo some angels do it
To feel the thrills you got to do it
Breakin’ all heaven’s rules, you do it


2. Heaven’s rules
(R. De Greef - M. Guccio - M. Ysaye - T. Plas)  

Lying World

Lying world, you never tell the truth
Lying world, you say “can’t see the use”
No place to live a human life
No place to run, no place to hide
Blind world, you never look around you
Blind world, you say “can’t see the use”
No place to run, no place to hide
You know the way you go
Just called no way out!

Lying world, you play a crooked game
Lying world, you promise joy,
You give us pain
No place to live a human life
No place to run, no place to hide

You know the way you go
Just called no way out!


3. Lying world
(R. De Greef - M. Guccio - M. Ysaye - T. Plas)  

Draw the line

If I go away
Don’t be afraid
It ‘s your life and mistakes sometimes are made
Time after time
In this world
You just walk alone along that lonely road
Heading every night
Hiding in the shade
Swearing to yourself that everything’s gonna change

Draw the line
Draw the line
Do you care after all
Do you care anyway

Swimming with the tide
You’re gonna go anyway
Goin’on and until you lose your mind
Taking every risk
Playing every game
Until everything’s gonna look the same

Draw the line
Draw the line
Do you care after all
Do you care anyway


4. Drawn the line
(R. De Greef - M. Guccio - M. Ysaye - T. Plas - L. O)  


5. Birds are gone
(M. Ysaye)  

No Way To Heaven

Runin’ around from town to town
Waistin’ time in the heat of the night
From girl to girl I’ll never get enought
It’s like a drug deep inside my soul, it’s like drugs turnin’ up side down!

Ragin’ love just for a wile
living in the shadow,the shadow of the night
Always sex and fun, we’ll never get enough
It like a drug deep inside your soul, like drugs, like drugs


Payin’ the game breakin’ every rule
He’s like a devil but he’s not a fool
From love to love he’ll never get enough
It’s like a drug deep inside his soul
It’s like drug turnin’ inside out
Hot blood a guy with a gun
Under preasure he needs some more fun
For ever and never shame on him
It’s like a drug deep inside his soul like drugs,like drugs




6. No way to heaven
(R. De Greef - M. Guccio - T. Plas)  


Something hurts me
Something kills me
Something burns me
Little by little

Something’s sliding
Something’s falling
Something’s brighting
Deep inside my soul

Something scares me
Something blinds me
Something breaks me
I’m falling on my knees

Something’s going
Something’s coming
Something’s tripping
I’m losing control

Something hurts me
Something kills me
Something burns me
And more and more
It ‘s around around and round


7. Something
(R. De Greef - M. Guccio - M. Ysaye - T. Plas - H. Borbé)  


Who is this man just in front of me?
He will be mine, he will be mine
This man is just my kind of man
He is my kind, he is my kind
Who is this man just in front of me?
He will be mine, he will be mine
I’m gonna tell him he is so fine
He is so fine, he is so fine
C’mon babe don’t hesitate
I got no time, Igot no time
Hey girl don’t get excited,
Do you wanna drink something with me?

Hey girl don’t get excited, sit down,
Be cool and let’s take it easy!

Don’t talk about anything I feel ready
You will be mine, you will be mine
Don’t move that way you’re like fire
I burn inside, I burn inside
Hey girl don’t get excited, come on,
Relax and sit down by me
Hey girl don’t get excited, sit down,
Be cool and talk all this through!

You don’t care what I’m talking about
Takin’it easy
No you don’t care not at all
Takin’it easy
No you don’t care not at all
Takin’it easy
No you don’t care not at all
Takin’it easy
I don’t like when you laugh at me!


8. Playboy
(R. De Greef - M. Guccio - M. Ysaye - T. Plas)  

Turn Off

Waking up the morning
Get up, come down to breakfast
Still there on the morning show
Sounds that have no meaning, makes no sense

Coming home in the evening
After a useless, a stupid schoolday
Turn on the tv
Pictures flicker, nothing there for me

Everyday in and long day out
At home, at school, atcetera
I hear all around me
The same blah-blah which drives me crazy

Today I turn the radio off
Today I turn the tv off
Today I’m gonna turn to rock and roll

Just another grey morning
Instant coffee and shitty cornflakes
Turn on the radio
Plastic masticated emptiness

Trakking back in the evening
Feels like they’re chatting my whole life away
Reach out for that tv
Picture flicker, sends me off to sleep

Today I turn the radio off
Today I turn the tv off
Today I’m gonna turn to rock and roll


9. Turn off
(R. De Greef - M. Guccio - M. Ysaye - T. Plas)  

Over The Hill

I can see some men walking in town
And I can hear them talking just like fools
And they just walk in their dreams
And they just go with the stream
But they’d better look at what ‘s real
So they will see over the hill
And they can bring to their sides
So many light in the night
And they can bring to their sides
So many joys in their life
I can see some kids running in town
And they just keep on playing the game
And they just walk in their dreams
And they just go with the stream
But they ‘D better look at what ‘s real
So they will see over the hill
And they can bring to their sides
So many lights in the night
And they can bring to their sides
So many joys in their life
I can see some people made like men
And they wonder why they all look the same


10. Over the hill
(M. Guccio - M. Ysaye - A. Letecheur - JP. Devaux - R. De Greef)  


What ‘s the matter doctor
I’m always in a hurry
What ‘s the matter doctor
Do you thing I’m crazy ?
What ‘s the matter doctor
People tell me I may be
What ‘s the matter doctor
Is there hope to save me ?

I don’t understand
What ‘s happened to me
Everyday I ‘m under stress
Think I really could be relaxed
Floating out on emptiness

What ‘s the matter doctor
I’m always in a hurry
What ‘s the matter doctor
Please tell me the truth
What ‘s the matter doctor
Please give me the cure
What ‘s the matter doctor
Don’t say it ‘s no use !

I don’t understand
What ‘s happened to me
Everyday I’m under stress
Think I really could be relaxed
Floating out on emptiness


11. Relax
(R. De Greef - M. Guccio - M. Ysaye - T. Plas)  

Lay down

Let me tell you, tell you something
I work everyday, I share all my nights
I’m gonna tell you, tell you something
I’ve thought that true love would change my life
Don’t ask me why
Don’t ask me why
There ‘s no love left in my eyes
Don’t ask me why
Don’t ask me why
There ‘s only one thing on my mind

Lay down

Let me tell you, tell you something
I care ’bout your dreams, but I can’t help mine
It ‘s hard to leave, leave you alone
Love me one more time, goodbye
Don’t ask me why
Don’t ask me why
There ‘s no love left in my eyes
Don’t ask me why
Don’t ask me why
There ‘s only one thing on my mind


12. Lay down
(R. De Greef - M. Guccio - M. Ysaye - T. Plas - L. O)  


13. Children calling
(R. De Greef - M. Guccio - T. Plas)  

The Rumour

Don’t believe all rumours you hear, do you think that it ‘s true !
Don’t believe the ones who lie, how do you know what’s real ?

Words to deal words to steal
Words can knock you down and drag you into the dark
It doesn’t tell the truth it’s feeding the confusion under spot lights

If you hear bad things about your friends, do you think they’re true !
When you’re watching the news, all you see, all you hear, seems the rule!

Words to deal words to steal
Words can knock you down and drag you into the dark
It doesn’t tell the truth it’s feeding the confusion

Too many untrue stories
Covered up in mud
Too many false impressions
Feeds your head with lies
Too many untrue stories
Covered up in mud
Too many false impressions

Slandering your friends around you, they give you a reason to shout
Enemies are behind you around, watching your life

Words to deal words to steal
Words can knock you down and drag you into the dark
It doesn’t tell the truth it’s feeding the confusion

Too many untrue stories
Covered up in mud
Too many false impressions
Feeds your head with lies


14. The rumour
(R. De Greef - M. Guccio - M. Ysaye - T. Plas - H. Borbé)  


15. Stranger (Beige Neige - Bonus track)
(R. De Greef - M. Guccio)  


16. Only five (Twilight - Bonus track)
(M. Ysaye - A. Letecheur)  


17. Dear America (The Responsibles - Bonus track)
(T. Plas - J. Cordemans - P. Riguelle - JP. Onraedt)  


18. Who wants to be lonely (Purple prose - Bonus track)
(D. Klein - T. Plas - J. Cordemans - M. Ysaye - W. Braito)  

Rope Dancer

Rope dancer, we want to help you
To weave the rope of your liberty
Blindman, we want to lead yourway
Into your cloud and you will see

We are young fragile actors of a funny story
A story we can write Open the door, you my friend Pierrot
So I can bring you something to write a word

We are young fragile actors of a funny story
A story we can write

A bird is dying, it dies incognito
So choose well yours steps and don’t believe in them
Rope dancer, they told you they came to help you
To break the rope of your liberty

We are young fragile actors of a funny story
A story we can write

Rope dancer, show us your show
Rope dancer, we want to help you
Blindman, choose well yours steps
Blindman, we want to help you
Friend Pierrot, open the door
Friend Pierrot, I bring you a pen


19. Rope dancer
(A. Letecheur - R. De Greef - M. Guccio - M. Ysaye)  

When Johan died sirens were singing

I knew I was ready, ready to die Nathaly was gone for always ever
I knew I was ready, ready to die I’ d never seen her back again
Oh someone tell me what ‘s happend to me, Gods, I hear sirens in my head
Oh girl, you’ll never know how much how much I love you love you love you so

I can hear beyond the grave
Johan’s voice calling Nathaly
I remember, all their happy days
I wonder why they couldn’t be together now
And I see up’on the sky
A little star shining differantly
Surely the star off Johan and Nathaly they must be together now
Could be an other end to the tragic Johan’s story ?


20. When Johan died, sirens were singing
(M. Ysaye - A. Letecheur)  

Sparkling Jaw

Blinded by the sun, the dying night
closed her eyes
Giants of concrete and glas
Blotted out the light from my eyes
New York City is a jungle without trees

Walking down the street
My spirit was dying
Waterlilies were fighting
New York is a jungle without tears

Step by step, a man like you and me
Followed his white funeral
A smiling lady pushed a luminous coffin
Into a dark yellow pushcart
Beggars and tramps were joking
Slaver on their lips
A crocodile was joining us
“You ‘re all my friends ” he said
“Don’t be afraid…”
“I only want to give you pleasure
And take a little thing from you…”
“Believe in me! I’m a man of repute”
Beggars and tramps were joking
Slaver on their lips
A crocodile was joining us
“You ‘re all my friends ” he said
“Don’t be afraid…”

Last night in Hong Kong
With my best friend Shung Long
I read a sparkling jaw
Fell back upon New York City
Beggars and tramps were joking
Slaver on their lips
A crocodile was joining us
“You ‘re all my friends ” he said
“Don’t be afraid…”
” I only want to give you pleasure
And take a little thing from you…”


21. Sparkling jaw
(R. De Greef - A. Letecheur)  

In The Reign Of Queen Pollution

After the death of king Oxygen the second
Queen Pollution assumed power
Submitting to the laws
The people of the earth
Wore night and day a gas-mask
Then thousand years later
The human race undergoes a mutation
The children are born
The face in form of gas-mask

Breaking my concrete cocoon
I’m born in the kingdom of queen Pollution
Breaking my lead egg
I’m born in the kingdom of queen Pollution
I’m born in the reign of queen Pollution

I’m born on a moutain of volcanoes
In the silence of a sigh
I’m dying of my birth,
And I don’t see birds around me
I don’t see a sky, I don’t see a light
But where is the sound of my cry ?
A bad hot air is burning my skin

But where are all the wenderful things
They told me in their stories ? ( Our stories )
I want to see a sky and see a light
But why’s nothing bright ?
I want to hear my cry and hear a lie
But why’s nothing right ?
I want to see a rainbow,
A rose and circles in the water
I want to feel the air,
I want to taste a smell

But where are all the wenderful things
They told me in their stories ? ( Our stories )

I’m born on a plain of a nuclear power station
I’m dying of my birthv But why’s a strange smell around me ?
And nobody who’s smoking cigarettes
And no children who chew chewing-gums

No sun rises in the reign
Of queen Pollution !


22. In the reign of queen pollution
(R. De Greef - A. Letecheur)  

Down on my knees

Blinded by your law, victim of your greed
I don’t want to show you, that I’m down on my knees
But the hate which grows inside our souls
Certainly will break it all

Now I know what you feel inside

Down on my knees
I got to go right now
Down on my knees
I need to live my life

I don’t want to know, if you feel the breeze

I think this time, you will not get, something you came for
You will realize, that you’re not alone with you
By the way
I’ll tear away your tears
You’ll put a spell on me
I’ll tear away your heart
Curse by the evil one

A strange flame in your eyes
Burning truth & feeding lies
It’s hidden behind the screen of your emotion

Down on my knees
I got to go right now
Down on my knees
I need to live my life

Haunted by your love, you give me the creeps
I don’t want to show you, that I’m down on my knees

This is the night, I got to go, I got to break through
I realize, that I’m alone with you
I don’t want to see you there, I really want to breathe
Cause the hate which grows inside of us
Certainly will not rebuild the trust

Down on my knees
I got to go right now
Down on my knees
I need to live my life

Down on my knees
I got to go right now
Down on my knees
I need to live my life


23. Down on my knees
(R. De Greef - M. Guccio - M. Ysaye - T. Plas - H. Borbé)  

Rock, Sea and tree

Hidden in the shelter of the winds of torment
A rock and a tree were riding high
On a current of infinite nebula
From time to time, the sea
With maternal gentleness
Caressed the dreamy lovers with her foam
You know tree, there is beneath me
The power of the infernal Gods
You see rock, above me
Billions of angels in heavenly chorus
We are the power and the glory edified
To defy all men and all Gods
The platinum armour we erected
In the wisdom of the third wave
Will never die
Jupiter and Neptune hearing these
Defiant words call together
The paranoid counsel
The first time they had made council
The Cyclope was defeated
For the glory of Ulyesses
They sent their strength and transcendant power
From the depth of the sea
And the height of the heavens

Thoughtless of the future, the rock and tree
Contemplated the sea

The slave, the sea, brought to’them
Magical fairy food and the cool wellbeing
Of the garden of Eden
The lovers turned their eyes
Towards the West
And low and behold on the horizon
The sea rising in a violent rage
Racing forward in a murderous folie
The sky black and heavy
Weighing upon this cataclysm
Which surged in fury
To annihilate the innocents
“Look the sea !
What does she want of us?”
“She ‘s going to destroy !
Stop sea ! Stop it ! ”
But she fell upon them in thunderous roar
And in seconds they were no more !

They felt torn apart
In the depths of sorrow
And that bitter truth which was theirs
What remained the atrocious spectacle
To perceive each other thousands of miles apart
Separated by myriods of vengeful crystals
Which banished them forever
From the garden of Eden
“Do you know why I’m floating”
Cried the rock to the tree
Who felt oppressed by tons of evil liquid
The tree was silent
There was nothing to say

In another place, a tiny stone and a tree shoot
Were grooving together
And eternally they repeat these words :
“Jupiter, Neptune, and you the sea
Your wish will never be…”


24. Rock, sea and tree
(M. Ysaye - A. Letecheur)  


(Albert Lethecheur – Marc Ysaye – Mario Guccio – Jean-Paul Devaux)

He had stayed in the bottom of a wardrobe
For two years, he had not made anybody laugh
Waiting in his black room hoping that the door would open
He had not aged one day
His face had kept all its features
And his eyes were shinning with the oncoming of the show
Finally the day so much hoped for had come
He could see his rebirth
First his head tactfully rose like a child still asleep
Then his chest and slowly his arms and his legs
I could see he was in good running order
Softly he made a smile of satisfaction at the puppeter

Everybody wanted to see the show which looked like a feast
And when the lights went out he appeared inq moonbeam,
He was dress in white with a red rose on his heart!

He did pirouettes
He mimed a rope dancer
Walking in the air
A loving violinist playing the music of the fair

A little girl with a white balloon winked at him.
The puppet stopped, and slowly he pulled the threads which

He did the same with his arms and his head
Now he could do his show all alone
The children were charing harder and harder
The crowd was delirious . He could see he was in good
running order

Softly he made a smile of satisfaction at the puppeteer

Before leaving the stage.
He pulled the red rose attached to his heart
And he threw to the little girl’s feet
She let go off her white balloon and took the rose….


25. Rebirth
(A. Letecheur - M. Ysaye - M. Guccio - JP. Devaux)  

Still Alive

Hello my friend, how do you feel
It ‘ s been so long boy I’ve waited for you
Someone to talk to
Someone to speak to
Someone to love if only for a minute
Ain’t no words boy, ain’ t
So glad to see you to talk about my life
I don’t wanna know who
or what sent you to me
Maybe the social service or the church of the neighbours
No matter boy, no matter
Someone thought of me
And it’s good, good because

feel so bad, feel so poor, so alone
feel so old , where is my life, my days are gone
feel so lost, where is the time when I was in love

Waiting for the moment I’ll die that’s all I do man
I never thought when I was young it would be the end of my days
I know, my body is worned out
I know, I don’t see, don’t hear, don’t walk, don’t move like before
But in my head it ‘s still the same
I’m still the man I was
Time and years haven’t change my mind
I’m still alive
In my head it’s still the same
I ‘m still alive
But for them, I’m just a forgotten oldie
I just cost money to all of jou
Do you understand what it means for me ?

Feel so bad, feel so poor, so alone
feel so old, where is my life, my days are gone
feel so lost, where is the time when I was in love


26. Still alive
(M. Guccio - M. Ysaye - A. Letecheur - JP. Devaux - R. De Greef)  

After the Crop

The wind had bent the crop when the mountebanks
came back from the hop
Lonely on the road, the drivers of the night followed the light
and took the path to their next plunder or fight
The rain had beaten down the corn
When the mountebanks came back in the morn
Lonely on the road, the drivers of the night followed the light
and took the path to their next plunder or fight

After a hard day far from the land of the sky
The cardboard clouds returned home without a cry
The lights went out one by one
But this day was not like another one
The night woke up like a badly washed bitch
And the voice of the wind was going off pitch
I was always on the rack !
Like a wave that the beach throw back
‘Cause she thinks she ‘s looking too ugly
Or maybe cause she ‘s looking too lovely
Like a star lost in the sky
I had just one friend, my cry
And I heard people play and I heard people say:
“This year the crop will not be good
However we have worked as much as we could”

Roaming under mechanical moonbeams I was going down in my dreams
Without a look and well oiled
I was alone with my world
Like the blind of the electric flock
But I knew that I would give them a shock
My saturated heart cried his pain
But what was rolling in my brain ?

I tried to forget what was said in the books
All their stories of crops and crooks
But somehow I can not talk
I still had this electronic walk
Like the blind sheep of the electronic flock
But I knew that I would give them a shock
My saturated heart cried out his pain
And my revolt broke out off my brain !

They were looking at me with big eyes of ice
But for me it was so nice
I was free ! I was me !
No more what they want me to be
Like the blind sheep of the electricflock
But I knew that I would give them a shock
And the rain did not beatdown the corn
It had been cut this morn


27. After the crop
(A. Letecheur - M. Guccio - R. De Greef - JP. Devaux)  


In a golden cloud
I’ve never seen in all my life someone like you and I love you
Would you try it again
why not do it again
I’ve never seen in all my life someone like you and I love you
A kind off unconscious melancholy came into me and I didn’t see the
Meaness off my old face since you leave me
I’m sure our life can born again
It ‘ s my only wish
Would you try it again
Why not do it again
I’ve never seen in all my life someone like you and I love you
Suddenly I feel so bad when I think you could change a day your mine
I know someone somewhere ‘s waiting for me and all my fits off madness
I’m above my golden cloud oh love I know everything must past
I don’t remember where did the wedding take place


28. Cheerlesness
(M. Ysaye - A. Letecheur)  

Title : Anthology
Year : 2001
Label : EMI
Product type : Double CD album


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